Blonde Vision


The problem about dying your hair a different colour ……….. your mom is never in support

What does it mean to be blonde?  Hard to miss, the high Hue and oversaturated yellow whether it’s to accentuate their image or use it as a confidence booster to improve their fashion style. No one goes blonde for the fun of it, there’s always a reason to go blonde. 

There’s just something about being blonde that strikes interests in people. Only about 2 percent of the people in the worlds are naturally blonde. These naturals have inspired the “copycats”/audience (no offence to anyone).  

The problem about dying your hair a different colour ……….. your mom is never in support. It’s ranked one of the most difficult tasks ever. You can almost feel her look of distaste. Her loathe to the abomination on your head, you know for sure there’s a battle ahead of you. I’ve always thought of going blonde, but is it worth the hassle? The awkward silence at first glance? At the dinner table? Putting blame on the “abomination” for your mistakes?  …. I don’t know 

There’s more to being blonde than “being blonde”. Blonde hair is a catalyst. There’s an overflowing wave of confidence that comes after changing your hair colour. It’s almost as if there are certain characteristics that come after dying your hair. It’s almost as if you’re a whole new person. It’s an emancipation from who you used to be. Blonde isn’t just a hair colour, it’s a character. When you’re blonde people tend to take you more seriously. There is a difference in the way you are treated when you’re blonde. You see yourself differently and carry yourself differently. Don’t get me wrong Brunettes, redheads and other hair colours are beautiful but there’s a spark about being blonde. 

The blonde trend has been around for a while, now it’s been echoed by the darker skin and I’m not just talking about our black queens but also black men. The contrast between the skin colour and hair is a piece of art.

There’s a lot of question unanswered. Why do people wanna be blonde? What drives blonde? Why do people get treated differently when their blonde? How does it contrast to other colours? What is blonde to you? Why do black/ darker parents not like blonde? 

People don’t go blonde just for the change, then do it for the attention. You go blonde to be heard, to be taken seriously, to have a say. Again being not blonde doesn’t deprive you of these things, it’s just different as a blonde person. It’s as if being blonde gives you the voice of Professor Dumbledore with his wand to his throat. As a blonde person, you’re very hard to miss. You’re easily spotted and that’s just the first part of the attention. After being spotted you probably get commended on your smile, style, beauty, I don’t know. It could be anything (Not all comments are good ones just saying). We as social creates yearn for this comments and attention to boost our social morale, confidence, and self-esteem. It’s a phase of discovery in my opinion in the sense you find out more about yourself, you find out the good and bad in your ways, there’s a lot of correction in many things you do, I couldn’t mention all. I guess everyone wants to be the Marilyn Monroe of their time or the Mae West.

As an African person, my parents are in NO SUPPORT of me going blonde mainly because of the message that’s been passed. Their meaning of blonde is different from the common meaning. Back in Nigeria, people who were blonde were thugs, hooligans, drug addicted, robbers, the “area boys” as we call them (in Nigeria). They send a revolting to parents. So automatically any blonde child is destined for failure, this is what they understood from the “message”. I remember my little innocent ass asking my parents if I could go blonde and they didn’t reply to me with words. They gave me that death stare, that look when all hell is about to fall on you. It didn’t take me a while to realize I messed up. My parents were oozing bloodlust (not literally) but I could feel the fury of a thousand people coming from two people. Not the best position you want to be in. My point is they weren’t having the idea. 

The most difficult question of all would be “Why do blonde people get treated the way they are”?  If I was to take a wild guess, I would say it’s part of the human coding. That’s about all I got. 

I have ever dyed my hair, so I don’t know how it feels or what it means to be blonde. Maybe I’m simply just in awe and that’s how I dream it feels, maybe that’s my Blonde Vision. 





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