C/O 2018


“2017 was the year of discovery; finally discovered in 2018″

‘What do you aspire to be?’ is a familiar question you get asked as a child by the Nigerian “elders”. I am pretty sure I had no clue on answering that question because I was so unsure about my career goals. I changed my career about a 1000 times (more like 7 times); changing from being an accountant to a pilot, to an engineer and the list goes on.  This was a difficult question I had no idea of answering.

Very diffident, I would stare down, kick some rocks then reply; “I don’t know” in a very soft tone. Furiously shaking their heads whilst kissing their teeth, they ask “why?”. A bit more confident, I reply “I-don’t-know”. Three infuriating words that can start a war between parent and child.

Entering high school, you are expected to know (or at least have an idea) on what you want to be in the future. Different kids with selected careers and devised career goals, I, on the other hand, was the kid that just went with the flow.

Three years after getting into high school, it was time for the big decision. As a grade 10 student, you had to choose between 3 programs: The commercial program (the accounting program), the science program and the arts program (lawyer). We were restricted to those three choices. I selected the commercial because I was good at mathematics and other forms of calculation. I was advised to go for counselling by the school and I did, they said I am much better in science program because I am more of a practical person. This was one of the hardest decision you would make in your life as a Nigerian student. It was even more difficult for me because deep down my subconscious, I knew I wanted to do something art related but the Nigerian society/culture does not accept such ambitions. They almost rule it out of your choices but thank goodness for my understanding parents. They always believed I would end up selecting a career art related because of my different talents in that field. I draw, paint (a bit), sculpt (haven’t done that in a minute) etc.




Throughout my years in high school, I was unsure about my career choice. I would always say an Accountant just because my mother was a successful chartered accountant. I was so good at the course I almost thought it was for me but my folks knew deep down my passion was art and Accounting was not meant for me.

The one part of my life I never saw enthralling was my creative side. I have been drawing since I can remember and I have always been good at it (not to be cocky).

I won prizes for excelling in the subject, having one of the best artworks and even performing in competitions. Everyone commended me for my art. I thanked them of course but I still didn’t know why they were interested so much in such a hobby.

“Have you ever thought about taking your art as a career?”. I laughed not just because it was funny to me but also because this was coming from a Nigerian parent. To my surprise, she was serious. “It would not get me anywhere and there are no good jobs in that field” I replied.

Ever since that day, I’ve been thinking if it was actually possible; to start a career based on art and live life to the fullest. I strongly doubted it was possible but some part of me thought it was possible and it was meant for me. I continued as a commercial student for four years but not forgetting my art. I took it a bit more serious. I got introduced to photography in 2012. I only learned the basics, I never actually practised it. I got so interested in it, I researched more into it but still never practised because I lacked the basic equipment needed: a camera. I only started practising it after I graduated from high school in 2016.

After graduating high school, I took a year off to think about what I was interested in and what I wanted to start a career in. I continued creating during my year off and I fell in love with this hobby of mine even more. I was on YouTube and Pinterest learning and getting inspired every day. I was never satisfied with the basic knowledge.

One Morning, the question my mom asked me back in 2011 came to mind. I thought about it again but this time as a good idea. This prompted me to start my blog; Land of the Yute. Late 2017, I decided to take my art as serious as my education while I complete my degree in business.






Who knows where this is going to take me? I mean, I’m willing to take the risk

9 thoughts on “C/O 2018

  1. You know what? Risk takers are people who truly change the world. They dictate the new order and redefine the space. Take the challenge head on, conquer your demons, take over the world and achieve greatness. The sky is no longer the limit, beyond it is the goal. There is no stopping you (never say never) and have fun doing this! Peace and love to you!

  2. What a beautiful write up. The Spirit of the Lord will work in you and establish you and take you to your unlimited greatness in Jesus name amen .Dont relent, uneasy lies the head that wear a crown. Keep it up dear the joy of the Lord is your strength amen in Jesus name.

  3. Whaooo, really impressed by this my dear & it will take you to places beyond your imagination (ISA). Keep up the good work and i believe this message will speak to youths.

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