It’s A Wrap: Year of Creativity, Collaboration, and Growth (2023)


The journey through 2023 has been nothing short of extraordinary—a tapestry woven with success, surprises, and invaluable lessons. Amidst the ebb and flow of life’s narrative, I choose to dwell on the positives, urging you, too, to bask in your accomplishments.


Among the myriad triumphs of the year, my proudest moments stem from the connections forged and collaborative projects undertaken. From captivating films to mesmerizing photoshoots, thought-provoking writings, and insightful consultations, each venture has exceeded my wildest expectations. The Levi’s shoot, stepping into the role of a DP, crafting commercials for beloved local brands, and co-creating a series with a fellow visionary—these endeavours have shaped 2023 into a year of creative ascendancy. Some projects still linger behind the curtain, awaiting their moment in the spotlight, but rest assured, you’ll be the first to know when the time is ripe.


Calgary boasts one of the most diverse and talented local creative communities I’ve ever encountered. Collaborations have been transformative, injecting fresh ideas, fostering teamwork, and challenging my belief that only I could truly envision my projects. The multitude of talented creatives here has proven that, with the right direction, collaboration, and communication, a shared vision can not only be seen but also realized collectively.

My acknowledgment is due to those who stand as pillars of support. To my partner, family, friends, acquaintances, and devoted followers—I extend my deepest gratitude. Your engagement, criticisms, and feedback have been instrumental, not only in refining my work but also in enhancing my effectiveness and efficiency. It’s not the numbers or the high engagement that fuels my journey; it’s the dedicated audience, consistently eager to interact with each creation, that propels me forward.

The path hasn’t been without its hurdles, and the spectre of Imposter Syndrome, a formidable foe, loomed large. Despite moments of self-doubt threatening to hinder progress, I pushed through. A forthcoming blog post will delve deeper into the intricate dance with Imposter Syndrome—a shared experience that speaks to our collective capability and resilience.

As we stand on the brink of a new year, my goals, and objectives for 2024 remain unwritten, but the excitement is palpable. The blank canvas of the future awaits our strokes of innovation, collaboration, and boundless creativity. With courage, curiosity, and an unwavering belief in our abilities, let’s embark on a journey where challenges metamorphose into triumphs and aspirations evolve into accomplishments.

Here’s to the uncharted adventures, new horizons, and the unwavering pursuit of our creative passions that await us in the coming year. Cheers to the journey ahead!

Till the new year.

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