It’s All About The Jubilant Moments In Life


Nothing is ours in life except the moments in time.


24–it didn’t hit like 21, but I can feel the pressure of 25 approaching. Although I am still young, I feel like I am getting the gist of life, but I digress.

Lately, I have been trying to find peace. Not just silence and quietness but also tranquillity. It has been an undulant journey. I go through phases of enjoying and resenting life. Although I am in a healthy place in my life; however, sometimes I feel like I am missing something. It’s hard to point a finger at it. I predict this stems from the routine and stability I have created for myself. I might be too accustomed to this lifestyle. It has become monotonous.

As a working-class adult, it’s somewhat difficult to introduce new activities into your life. You are limited on what you can or cannot do to weekends, but even those go by fast.

I made time and went on a trip with some of my closest friends—this was one of the best decisions I have made. I hadn’t seen them for about six years. It was nothing short of an amazing experience.

Upon reflecting, I do have some words I would like to share:

To my family/partner/friends,

I do not appreciate you enough. While carrying out daily tasks, you offer a separate peace. You provide a prodigious amount of happiness and joy in my life, and I cannot be thankful enough for that. You are one of the main reasons I keep going. I am fortunate to have you all around me.

Along the schlep, trials, and tribulations, you stand behind me, ready to aid me. You are always considerate and did your best to understand. You lent me your ear, hand, and warmth when I needed it. Life goes on, and people change. However, through it all, our friendship remained the same. We could be apart for years and still remain companions/best friends.

Life would not be the same without you. In such an errant world, you keep me grounded. You avouch for me. You help me heal in whatever way I need. I did not think I’d make it this far-I can’t believe we made it this far.

I will always be grateful for whatever we share, nevertheless of being beside each other or not. I have come to realise peace is also around you. Our times together will always be a treasured memory. Those moments in time will forever belong to us.

I hope you know you’re also not alone. We may not always see each other, but I will always be here. That’s a promise. I love you very much.


I now repose untroubled, knowing I have a solid foundation.

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