Kids These Days




“Being a blogger or a freelance is so easy and stress-free”. It couldn’t be further from the truth. This isn’t some hyped up work, it’s real work. Cross-cultural and interdisciplinary minds powering discourse between customary divisions of business, art and culture.

The Millenials and Z generation are the vanguard of this transitioning.

                       JOIN THE REVOLUTION

Youth have somehow always been wrong – if only in retrospect. We are told to conform without being defiant to the mandates of parents, authorities and the System. Youth at their best have continued to rebel, create and inspire. We have defined the importance in fashion (style), music and art, yet each peer group develops into a brainwashed mindset of what capitalism calls “success”, erases rebellion, blind passion and furious ambition from their everyday life.

“Rebellion is Intelligence. Question everything. Why conform to conditioning? Educate yourself on what you believe ……” – MSFTSrep

I’ve imposed this quote to my everyday life. It has been helpful and sometimes unobliging. Afterall, we(human beings) are based on habit and practice.





2018. The adult world finds itself in a strange time where modern technology and information is most valuable. The youth are the dominant-insatiable consumer of the goods. Social media; the largest commodity that controls two-thirds of the world. It is a double-edged sword that can either help you take on obstacles through activism or stab you if used wrongly.

Literally, everything revolves around the internet; ranging from education to entertainment to service. All this on a platter of Gold but we choose to use it for irrelevant commodities and yet we expect to have the “answer”. The idea of “want it now” without putting in any effort is a lost cause. The most comprehensive ideas and attitudes will remain unrealised and vague without any hard work. There is no secret to success.

This is not a new phenomenon; it’s been proven countless times but we are occupied and distracted by the accomplishments of peers and celebrities. We compare ourselves to these people and while away time thinking how THEY reached THEIR goal.


“Every second you spend thinking about what other people have is taking away time from the time you could use to create something for yourself” – Gary Vaynerchuk

Envy, discontent and jealousy are anchors that slow us down from success.

Perhaps if we focused and put our head down and work; maybe we can be as successful, if not more successful.











5 thoughts on “Kids These Days

  1. Great piece here. Hard work is the key, no matter the challenges one must be focus and with prayer all will end well

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