Romance is Born


I do wonder what romance would resemble if the narratives sold on heterosexual affection and intimacy had been different. Perhaps then would we accept the meaning and beauty of an invert.

Undeniably, there is a struggle in finding your identity. The fight for yourself; discovery and for those around you (defending those receiving the backlash for your choice) are most times pyrrhic; however, is it worthwhile if it was not stressed (fought for)? Reworking what love can be outside of the heterosexual norms is quite the campaign. A battle against many odds and one against the scriptures that serve as our living guidelines. 

“When I fall in love with someone that isn’t a man (non-binary people) it feels more meaningful and more intense even though I also have fallen in love with men”

“I find I’m usually much more inspired because there’s more openness to different perspectives”

“The feeling of admiration, the excitement that comes to play, and the desire to impress is stronger”

“To be pushed and held all at once, loved for who you are and not for the societal role you’re meant to play as a woman”

Though everyone’s love story is different especially the attraction stage. Regardless, the feeling is entirely similar, whether you’re gay, lesbian, straight, or of any sexuality. Romance is not reliant to gender. The notion “you have to marry a man or woman” can be pronounced archaic.

Growing up in a homophobic environment, I never understood homosexuality or homosexual relationships. I had always been hostile to the invert without reasoning but as I get older, I find my reasoning quite vacuous. I tackled this project to understand the reasoning for animosity towards the LGBTQ+ society. Multiple factors contribute to such obstructive behaviour, in which many of them are tied back to social influence. Societal factors bring about many hurdles that contribute to the ill of society. Racism, Toxic Masculinity, Bigotry, Misogyny, and many others. 

Qualities and flaws are what makes us imperfect and imperfection is what makes us perfect in our own way. I could not understand the everyday battle of a gay person whether known or going to become known, but I do know they deserve their accolades. Despite the abhorring animosity towards them, unperturbed they stand tall. Amidst mutiny, Romance is born.

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