STILLS of Jouie Frusa // Dear Fort McMurray


44 not Boycott, 06/06/2017 Wafflesncream, Kapatid; created by the same drive which makes me develop this “profession” of mine.

The year is coming to an end, still so many unfinished projects (procrastination is of the devil). I had to push myself to work on this while balancing the life of a college boy. I got my final exams approaching fast, so many projects due in a wink (excluding personal projects).

Priorities haven’t been established (not that this blog isn’t important).

One over-exposed afternoon, I was at the commons conversing with intimates about the plans in the summer which was still far-flung. Olive-skinned Jouie Frusa of Fort McMurray walks in with a pink fur coat far too thick for an indoor Thursday conversation. ——— joined the conversation —–. Minutes before we all dispersed to our various classes, Jouie shyly exclaimed how much she would love a photoshoot. “It’s been a minute since I posted on the gram,” she said.

Avenue Coffee Shop was the location for the test shoot. Welcoming salutes from Bulgaria’s very own Stefani Kostova and hooper Augusta Kievisaite. Bloggers updating their websites, couples conversing over the course of their future. The waiter gushed over how flawless my subject (Jouie Frusa). Meanwhile, a bunch of staring audience were pointing and whispering amongst their divided groups; after all, she was beautiful. Unbothered about the engaged audience, she proceeded with the posing instructions we had discussed earlier.

Saturday 1st of September. On this balmy-frigid morning, I take on a new escapade to Cowtown (Calgary). Not for travel or business but for my scholastic motives. Fort McMurray International Airport is a lot more atmospheric than I envisioned. A playback of my memories with my friends and familiars. From arguing about irrelevant cases to laughing about inapposite topics; ending the week with a night at Townhall Public House.

There’s always one thing about a city that makes your heart beat a little faster.  In Ottawa, it’s looking for the best food you’ve ever tasted. MacLaren street is your go-to place for that. For Fort McMurray, it’s a couple of things. From running around with your friends, watching the sunrise at the Wood Buffalo forest trails/ Gregoire lake to playing soccer.

I land in Calgary in two hours’ time (*sigh it’s about to be an infernal week of school and assessments). I wish all my intimates a good school year and a memorable fall.

Back to sleepless nights and living of coffee while trying to complete projects and assignments before the due date. Default sleeping of 2 a.m.; stressing to wake up by 6 a.m. for the next 8 a.m. class. Struggling to get to class with that accentuate eyebags (couldn’t be more obvious), dragging my feet across the hallway trying to get to different classes a kilometer away from my residence for the next 8 months. Hopefully, I make it through.






The last week of our hot summer is coming to an end (with a flight).


So dear Fort McMurray:


I’d be back.











One thought on “STILLS of Jouie Frusa // Dear Fort McMurray

  1. Yes, in as much as I agree with that back to school brings about some sleepless nights but students should manage to balance it up to ensure they get the required rest. God bless you all and all the best.

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