The Importance of Simple Routines in the Adult Life

Importance of habits and routine in your everyday life

“You don’t know what you have until you lose it” is a saying often thrown around and is adaptable to many contexts. Although it’s frequently a lost opportunity, this time it’ll be somewhat different. It’s been two years since I graduated from university, and I can honestly say I am grateful for where I am now.

However, I would be lying if I said it’s been a seamless transition. As masochist, as it may sound, pursuing a university degree brought stability to my everyday life. The scheduled classes every week, taking courses with your friends, and the grind of your part-time job made the university experience memorable. We didn’t know how blessed we were until we stepped out of the school of hard knocks. Post-degree, you are fully in control of how your life goes (in the absence of luck and nepotism).  However, as a newly found “adult”, there are still responsibilities one must adhere to … traditionally at least. The checklist is limitless, but the rules are as follows: securing a job, saving for a house/retirement, funding your next project (master’s, professional exam), etc.

Routine forms the rhythm of everyday life. I will go as far as saying that it keeps us sane. Our jobs become a significant part of our lives—if we are lucky to secure one. The same cycle of work, eat, sleep. It may suffice physically but not mentally. This is where our passion or hobbies save us. Without my passion or hobby, I wouldn’t be where I am today. It has kept me pushing and looking forward; it has given me a purpose and a new goal.

It was always a predetermined path for me; graduate, get a job, secure permanent residency. I didn’t have the leeway to slow down/relax, (which is fair). I felt if I did, I would fall behind amongst my peers, lack further on the goals I set for myself, and worse for all, let down those who entrusted me. I say this not to get self-pity. Although this journey took about 6 years, I couldn’t have kept pushing without my hobbies. At this time, I was only practicing photography and writing occasionally (articles are still up). I am lucky on this journey, as I have met several creatives who inspire and teach me. I have also met people who like my writing and await my next post. That again keeps me focused and striving to put more out.

Who knows where my passion will lead? It’s a dream to make my creative journey a full-time pursuit. Life’s uncertainty is both frightening and beautiful. Instead of focusing solely on the destination, I encourage embracing the smaller moments. Ultimately, enjoy your craft, whatever it may be—it’s also your wellspring of happiness.

When I was in university, life had a comforting routine—scheduled classes, shared courses with friends, and the hustle of my part-time job. It was a time when everything had a place, a rhythm, that felt secure. Yet, stepping out of that structured environment into the vastness of post-degree life, I quickly realized how much safety & stability those years brought. Now, as I navigate the responsibilities of adulthood—securing a job, saving for the future, and funding new projects—I yearn for the grounding that passion provides.

Without my creative outlets, the pressures of this new chapter might have overwhelmed me. It’s these small joys—whether in photography, writing, or filmmaking—that keep me anchored and push me forward. So, while the checklist of adult life continues to grow, it’s the pursuit of passion/happiness that offers true fulfilment. In the end, life may be uncertain, but it’s the journey, not just the destination that makes it worthwhile.

About M’Kayla

Within the last year, I had the opportunity to meet M’Kayla. Her journey in dance began at just three years old, with her first ballet class sparking a lifelong passion. From ages 5 to 17, she trained competitively at Drewitz Dance Productions, mastering various genres like tap, ballet, jazz, hip hop, contemporary, and more. Her dedication also led her to the Hattori Williamson School of Ballet, where she focused on ballet and contemporary dance between 2016 and 2018. Her talent has taken her around the world, performing and competing in places like Germany, New York City, Seattle, and Las Vegas. Over the years, M’Kayla has earned numerous titles and high-scoring awards, including the prestigious Miss Junior Candance. A highlight of her career was being part of the 2019 Team Canada National Tap team, competing in Reisa, Germany. Currently pursuing a double major in Dance and Economics at the University of Calgary, she’s also part of the Decidedly Jazz Professional Training Program. A first-generation Canadian with roots in Suriname, M’Kayla draws from her Black heritage in her choreography, specializing in Contemporary, Jazz, and Tap. She teaches and choreographs at Elite Dance Academy and Decidedly Jazz Danceworks in Calgary, sharing her knowledge and passion with others.

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